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ABSOLU + WHITE Complexion Unifier

ABSOLU + WHITE Complexion Unifier

$39.99 Regular price
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Complexion Unifier

Sugar-free chewable tablets
Natural frosted mint flavor
For a flawless, radiant complexion: even and smooth


The complete list of ingredients:

Ultra-concentrated white pomegranate extract, known for its immense richness in antioxidants. This sustainably grown ingredient from the Mediterranean region is not only innovative.
Spirulina extract 30 mg, (white pomegranate fruit extract) 300 mg, Vitamin C 48 mg

For whom ?

✓ People with sensitive skin

✓ People with an uneven complexion

✓ People using harsh cosmetics containing alcohol or preservatives

✓ People exposed to heat, UV rays, wind, etc.

✓ People with aging skin